A classic mod – Intercepter 650 turn into Scrambler by RE Latvia dealership & Moto Classic House


The Interceptor 650

The Royal Enfield 650cc siblings undoubtedly are one of the best motorcycles produced by RE in a long time. Their thrum, refinement and the look and feel are unlike any Enfields produced previously. These Enfields are also exported outside of India, and play a major role in selling as entry-level bikes in most parts of the world, and are successfully competing within the segment bikes from various manufacturers like Harleys and Triumph. The price point of these twins makes it a very compelling acquisition, and not to mention the aspiration value that they carry.

Since inception, Enfields have been the base canvas for customizers across the globe, and many custom bikes have been churned out and the 650 twins have just strengthened it further. Examples from India being The Brat 650 from Motorheads, Thug 650 by Bulleteer Customs to name a few.

Similar is the case with a Royal Enfiled dealership from Latvia, East Europe. Christened as the Interceptor MCH scrambler, the mod has been done by the dealership itself and will be limited to 10 pieces only. The premium, around 2.11 lakh, over the regular cost of the bike which translates to about 2500 Eur Pounds. The customization has been done with a partner, Moto Classic House. The total price of the model touches about 7.75 Lakhs, which translates to over 9300 Pounds. Now that’s quite a hefty tag.

The mods are not limited to cosmetics. The customizer has plonked in a full exhaust system from Zard which is substantially lighter than the stock, an ECU remap, a rack, Dual sport tires with Knobs, a custom handlebar. The overall package makes the bike very desirable and ready for any terrain. The masses in India have been waiting a long time for something similar, and we hope that Royal Enfield is listening. It remains to be seen though if this would translate into reality.

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