Mobile Coffee Maker based on a Royal Enfield that fuels caffeine to humans.


Gurgaon’s Trip Machines are known for their leather motorcycle products and coffee, and the Royal Enfield’s recent modification combines both of their specialties into one classic and fun machine. We’ve seen a lot of sidecar modifications for various uses, most of them from outside the country, but this time we have a sidecar turned into a coffee maker rig right here in our own backyard.

MK Designs and onescar India collaborated on the Coffee Mobile, with onescar handling the gorgeous paintwork and MK Designs handling the manufacture.

The sidecar setup includes a Rancilio espresso machine that can easily produce 1000 cups of coffee a day which includes a grinder, blender, rinse station, and cold, dry storage. Apart from the sidecar, the bike itself has some modifications, to keep the classic look alive in it. Trip Machine has added some custom parts such as fenders, lighting, and handlebars from an older Royal Enfield model.

As the Trip Machine specializes in leather motorcycle parts there are some There are certain leather motorbike parts since the Trip Machine specialised in them. The handle grips, the ‘X’ logo on the headlight and the sidecar cover with a typical sprung saddle are all custom items from the Trip Machine, as can be seen. The counters’ wood trim provides a traditional touch to the machine.

Another unique feature of the modification is the color scheme, which is reminiscent of Gulf Oil, which is known for refueling motorcycles. However, the rig’s license plate reads ‘I fuel humans,’ which echoes the ‘fuel’ concept carried out throughout the rig. Maybe on a Coffee ride, tell us what you think of this rig?

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